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This branding project is a bold visual representation of Ukraine’s indomitable spirit. It symbolizes the nation's unwavering pursuit of freedom and its revolutionary journey. Designed to unite and inspire, this branding reflects Ukraine’s rich heritage while standing as a beacon of hope and resilience on the global stage.

User Experience



Blue Square


Elevate Ukraine

Blue Structure


Inspire Pride

Blue Round Shapes


Timeless Identity


International supporters and partner nations dedicated to Ukraine’s cause, amplifying its message of freedom and resistance.

Officials and organizations promoting Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence




Everyday citizens who embody the spirit of national pride and unity


Our ideation process for Ukraine’s branding was driven by a deep commitment to embody the nation's goals and spirit. From initial sketches to the final design, every concept was meticulously crafted to capture Ukraine’s resilience, heritage, and vision for the future.

The logo strategically uses negative space to emphasize Ukraine's resilience and unity

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This logo design for Ukraine features a strategic 40-degree rotation to symbolize the nation's role as a bridge between East and West. The design incorporates the national colors and echoes the Trident (Tryzub), embodying Ukraine's dynamic growth and enduring spirit.

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This branding kit presents a powerful and cohesive identity that captures Ukraine's resilience and aspirations. The design not only symbolizes the nation's strength but also invites global support for its ongoing journey. Below, you can explore more about how to support Ukraine or delve deeper into the full branding kit.

Design Development 

Typography III

This project first started when I was beginning to develop an English/Cyrillic logo for the 2024 Typographic Festival. This project was initially meant to serve as the ground-up development of the typographic festival branding, but with further research behind Ukrainian culture, expanded into so much more. I was able to simultaneously develop a bilingual typographic logo design for both Typographic Festival and Ukraine, which fueled the refinement and development with each week of this course's refining techniques and feedback and the refined branding kit. The goals within each week of this eight week course, focused in both research and design along with learning the industry standard design methods and technique not only accomplish these goals, but use them to excel and global accessible and legible typographic design. 


During the first two weeks of this course, my work was focused on the principles of inclusion in typographic design. These weeks of research behind the standards of accessibility and learning how to properly implement these standards into all of my typographic designs was a crucial foundation to developing accessible typographic designs in this course. The feedback received and given these weeks also helped effectively develop and get more insight into best developing accessible and visually pleasing design.​

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From week three to five, we explored deeper into type systems and proper text structuring/hierarchy. This focused on developing the skills to properly implement various typography elements into a single design piece without it disrupting the overall visual hierarchy. This course's particular focus on these and learning the differences between website and print design and the effective use of typeface choices while designing, learning the history behind the typefaces along with effectively altering typography tol match with accessibility standards allowed me to enhance readability and visual hierarchy in all of my designs. Including the development in both my Cyrillic logos as I continued to implement this knowledge and cultural research into my design process. 

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​Weeks six and seven reviewed the typographic poster designs quality while balancing the implementation of sponsor and designed logos the Typographic Festivals poster designs. The challenge particularly in these weeks was taking these logos and seamlessly implementing them in various poster designs. The final poster in this typography course features clear, legible and accessible design and a well-balanced hierarchy that perfectly capture the standards of the 2024 Typographic Festival.

​Weeks six and seven reviewed the typographic poster designs quality while balancing the implementation of sponsor and designed logos the Typographic Festivals poster designs. The challenge particularly in these weeks was taking these logos and seamlessly implementing them in various poster designs. The final poster in this typography course features clear, legible and accessible design and a well-balanced hierarchy that perfectly capture the standards of the 2024 Typographic Festival.

In this final week, I showcased all of my learned skills and process methods behind the effective and accessible development typographic design. Each week of this course offers a new chance and challenge to strengthen and implement new elements into various designs, helping support the development of these branding designs. Through the iterative design process and ground-up development of this 2024 Typographic Festival branding and Ukraine branding, I am able to apply the typography design techniques that I developed through this course and will be able to apply to all of my future designs. 


​​Thank you all for reading and being a part of this typographic journey.

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